A Few Tech Clichés You Should Avoid

A recent tech conference had me scratching my head. Why was everyone throwing around the same tired, overused phrases to describe new trends, gadgets, and concepts. overused metaphors?

To keep up with appearances, it is very easy to fall into this trap, but here’s the thing: relying on clichés not only makes you sound unoriginal, but it can also hinder effective communication.

Let’s take a closer look at some common tech clichés that are best to steer clear of.


  • “It’s the next big thing”: This cliché is thrown around so often that it’s lost all meaning. Instead of hyping up every new gadget or app as the “next big thing,” take a moment to critically assess its potential impact and value.


  • “Game-changer”: While some innovations truly revolutionize industries, not everything deserves the title of “game-changer.” Reserve this phrase for truly groundbreaking advancements, like the invention of the internet or the smartphone.


  • “Disruptive technology”: Yes, disruptive technologies exist, but not every new product or service falls into this category. Be mindful of using this cliché unless you’re discussing a truly disruptive innovation like Airbnb or Uber.


  • “Thinking outside the box”: Innovation thrives on creativity, but using this tired phrase adds nothing to the conversation. Instead, encourage creative thinking by asking specific questions, providing definite prompts or challenges or exploring unconventional ideas.


  • “Cutting-edge”: Unless you’re talking about a technology that is truly on the cutting edge of development, steer clear of this cliché. Opt for more descriptive language to convey the innovative nature of a product or service.


  • “Future-proof”: Predicting the future is a tricky business, and no technology is truly future-proof. Instead of making grandiose claims, focus on the current benefits and potential longevity of a technology.


  • “Low-hanging fruit”: While it’s important to prioritize tasks and goals, describing them as “low-hanging fruit” can trivialize their importance. Instead, approach each challenge with the attention and effort it deserves.


  • “Synergy”: This buzzword has been overused to the point of exhaustion. Instead of relying on vague terms like “synergy,” be specific about how different technologies or strategies complement each other.


  • “Ecosystem”: “Ecosystem” is often used to describe a collection of interconnected devices or services. However, this term has become so overused that it’s lost its meaning. Instead, be specific about the components and relationships within a given ecosystem.


  • “Pivot”: While it’s important for companies to adapt to changing circumstances, describing every strategic shift as a “pivot” can be misleading. Instead, be transparent about the reasons behind a change in direction.


  • “Revolutionary”: True revolutions are rare, and not every new technology deserves to be labeled as “revolutionary.” Instead, focus on the specific ways in which a product or service improves upon existing solutions.


  • “Next-gen”: This shorthand for “next-generation” is overused to the point of cliché. Instead of relying on buzzwords, be specific about the advancements and improvements offered by a new technology.


  • “Innovative solution”: Describing a product or service as “innovative” is all well and good, but it’s important to provide specific examples of what sets it apart from the competition. Avoid using this cliché without backing it up with evidence.


  • “Seamless integration”: Achieving seamless integration between different technologies or systems is often easier said than done. Instead of using this cliché, be honest about the challenges involved and the steps being taken to overcome them.


  • “Best of breed”: While it’s natural to want to highlight the strengths of a particular product or service, describing it as the “best of breed” can come across as hyperbolic. Instead, focus on its specific features and capabilities.


  • “State-of-the-art”: While it’s natural to want to highlight the advanced nature of a product or service, describing it as “state-of-the-art” is overused and lacks specificity. Instead, focus on the specific features and capabilities that make it stand out.


  • “Breakthrough”: This term is often used to describe significant advancements in technology. However, it’s become so overused that it’s lost much of its impact. Instead, be specific about the nature of the breakthrough and its potential implications.


It’ll do us far more good if we learn to embrace true and definite language, to ensure your communication resonates with everyone, not just the tech-savvy crowd.

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